Production-Quality Node.js (Part III): Preventing Defects

This is the last part of my 3-part series on production-quality Node.js web applications. I've decided to leave error-prevention to the end, because while it's super-important, it's often the only strategy developers employ to ensure customers have the most defect-free experience as possible. It's definitely worth checking out parts I and II if you're curious about other strategies and really interested in getting significant results.

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  • Quality
  • Programming
  • Node.js

I've been working on production-quality Node.js web applications for a couple of years now, and I thought it'd be worth writing down some of the more interesting tricks that I've learned along the way.

I'm mostly going to talk about maintaining a low-defect rate and high availability, rather than get into the details about scaling that are covered in a lot of other places. In particular, I’ll be talking about load-balancing, process management, logging, and metrics, and the hows and whys of each.

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